Energy Secretariat

Tiršova 1

Dušan Rakić, Acting Secretary, 3605-855
Ridha Аl-Jidah, Acting Deputy Secretary, 3605-857

Visiting hours: daily from 9-15.10h.

The Energy Secretariat is responsible for the following activities:
- planning and developing energetics in the territory of the city;
- preparing acts on the conditions for obtaining the status of the privileged producer of heat energy and keeping registry;
- preparing incentives for heat energy production by using renewable energy sources;
- passing the Methodology on the pricing of connection to the system of heat energy distribution;
- preparing the programme and plans, as well as implementing the measures of energy efficiency;
- cooperation with the competent ministry for the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the Action Plan on energy efficiency in the Republic of Serbia;
- energy management system, in accordance with the law;
- preparing acts to determine special financial and other incentives for efficient energy consumption in the territory of the city, through project realisation and other activities;
- coordination of activities in the field of energy efficiency and usage of renewable energy sources in the territory of the city;
- preparing a programme of energy efficiency improvementin the field of transport;
- collecting, controlling and processing data on the consumption of all types of energy sources by all energy consumersin the territory of the city;
- creating and elaborating energy balance based on the types of energy sources and consumption sectors, in full harmony with the European regulations;
- coordination with the competent energy distribution company in terms of securing the interests of the service consumers and institutions in the territory of the city;
- organising and providing organisational, financial and other conditionsfor permanent performance of communl activitiesand their development, as follows: production and distribution of heat energy and providing public lighting and other activities in a certain area for which the city has founded a company, i.e. in terms of which it has entrusted activities to another business company or entrepreneur;
- performs surveillance over the communal and other services being conducted in the competency of the Secretariat;
- issuing licences in the field of heat energy, in accordance with the law;
- conducting public procurements in the competency of the Secretariat, and also erforming other activities from the competency of the Secretariat in accordance with the law, the City Statute and other regulations.

The Secretariat performs, as the public administration activities entrusted by the law, activities related to issuing energy permits, as well as ther public administration activitiesentrusted by the Republic to the City within the competency of the Secretariat.