Gallery "Artget" - KCB, Trg Republike 5/I, tel. 2621-137, www.kcb.org.rs
Gallery of the Belgrade City Library, Knez Mihailova 56, 2024-024, www.bgb.org.rs
Gallery "Belgrade fortress", Gornji grad, tel. 2620-685, www.beogradskatvrdjava.co.rs
Gallery "Grafički kolektiv", Obilićev venac 27, tel. 2627-785, www.grafickikolektiv.org
Gallery "New Moment", Hilandarska 14, tel. 322-9992, www.newmoment.com
Gallery "Zvono", Višnjićeva 5, tel. 2625-243, www.galerijazvono.org
Gallery "Ozon", Andrićev venac 12, tel. 323-8789, www.o3one.rs
Gallery "Pero", Milentija Popovića 1, tel. 3131-376, www.galerijapero.com
Gallery "Progres", Zmaj Jovina 10, tel. 218-2626, www.progres.rs
Gallery "Remont", Makedonska 5/II, tel. 3223-406, www.remont.net
Gallery "Singidunum", Knez Mihailova 40, tel. 2185-323, www.ulupuds.org.rs
Gallery "Stara Kapetanija", Zemun, Kej oslobođenja 8, tel. 2612-023
Gallery "Haos", Dositejeva 3, tel 2627-497, www.gallerychaos.com
Gallery "212", Vlajkovićeva 25, tel. 3373-299, www.galerija212.co.rs
Gallery '73, Požeška 83a, tel. 3557-142, www.galerija73.com
Gallery DK "Studentski grad", Bul. Zorana Đinđića 179, tel. 2691-442, www.dksg.rs
Gallery DOB, Makedonska 22, tel. 322-5453, www.domomladine.org
Gallery of the Kolarac Endowment, Studentski trg 5, tel. 2185-794, www.kolarac.rs
Gallery RTS, Takovska 10, tel. 3211-324, 3211-294, galerija@rts.rs
Gallery SANU, Knez Mihailova 35, tel. 3342-400, www.sanu.ac.rs
Gallery SKC, Kralja Milana 48, tel. 3602-009, www.skc.org.rs
Gallery SULUJ, Terazije 26/II, tel. 2685-780, www.galerijasuluj.org.rs
Gallery ULUS, Knez Mihailova 37, tel. 2623-128, www.ulus-art.org
Gallery FLU, Knez Mihailova 53, tel. 2630-635, www.flu.bg.ac.rs
Gallery of the Central Club of the Serbian Army, Braće Jugovića 19, tel. 323-4702
House of Đura Jakšić, Skadarska 34, tel. 323-0302
Gallery of Fine Arts of KCB, Knez Mihailova 6, tel. 2622-926, www.kcb.org.rs
Little Gallery of ULUPUDS, Uzun-Mirkova 12, tel. 2622-582, www.ulupuds.org.rs
National Gallery, Dositejeva 1, tel. 2622-492
Gallery "Beograd", Kosančićev venac 19, tel. 3033-923, www.galerijabeograd.org
Salon of the Museum of Modern Art, Pariska 14, tel. 2630-940, www.msub.org.rs
"Cvijeta Zuzorić" Art Pavilion, Mali Kalemegdan 1, tel. 2621-585, www.ulus-art.org