Archeological Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Activity: humanistic sciences, archeology
Knez Mihailova 35, tel. 637-191, fax: 180-189
Astronomic Observatory
Activity: natural sciences, astronomy, astrophysics
Volgina 7, tel/fax: 241-9553
Institute of Economics
Activity: social sciences, economic sciences, consulting
Kralja Milana 16, tel. 361-3118, 361-3407, fax: 361-3467
"Nikola Tesla" Institute of Electrical Engineering
Activity: technical and technological sciences, electrical engineering, electric power industry, electrical engineering industry
Koste Glavinića 8a, tel. 369-0487, fax: 369-0823
Institute Social Sciences
Activity: social sciences, demography, sociology, political sciences, public opinion
Kraljice Natalije 45, tel. 646-351, tel/fax: 361-8186
Institute of Economic Sciences
Activity: social sciences, economic sciences, macroeconomic policy, international political and economic relations
Zmaj Jovina 12, tel. 262-2357, fax: 181-471
"Mihajlo Pupin" Institute
Activity: natural sciences, electrical engineering, technology, piezo technology, electronics, telecommunications, artificial intelligence
Volgina 15, tel. 771-398, fax: 774-959, 277-2876
Institute for Architecture and Town Planning of Serbia
Activity: technical and technological sciences, architecture and town planning, physical planning, regional development
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, tel. 337-6182, fax: 337-0203
"Siniša Stanković" Institute for Biological Research
Activity: natural sciences, biology, ecology
Bul. despota Stefana 142, tel. 764-847, fax: 761-433
Institute of European Studies
Activity: social sciences, political sciences, economic and cultural relations
Trg Nikole Pašića 11, tel. 339-8422, fax: 323-2940
Institute of Agricultural Economics
Activity: social sciences, economic sciences, agricultural and rural development, agricultural policy
Cara Uroša 54, tel. 622-476, 344-5923, fax: 622-957, 344-5926
Institute for Plant Protection and Environment
Activity: natural sciences, plant protection, biology, entomology, toxicology
Teodora Drajzera 9, tel. 266-9860, fax: 669-860
Land Institute
Activity: natural sciences, pedology, irrigation
Teodora Drajzera 7, tel. 667-199, fax: 266-7175
Institute for Materials Testing
Activity: natural sciences, physics, geodesy, geology, quality control
Bulevar vojvode Mišića 43, tel. 265-0322, fax: 369-2772
"Srbija" Institute for Research in Agriculture
Activity: bio-technical sciences, pedology, plant production, plant protection, genetics
Zeleni venac 2/III, tel. 180-509, 624-626, fax: 628-398
Institute of Literature and Arts
Activity: humanistic sciences, literary science, history, politics, comparative studies
Kralja Milana 2, tel. 3065-510, tel/fax: 2686-036,
Institute for Criminological and Social Research
Activity: social sciences, legal sciences, sociology, psychology
Gračanička 18, tel. 625-425, 625-425, fax: 635-799
"Zemun Polje" Maize Institute
Activity: biotechnology, genetics and maize selection, production of maze seed, phytopathology, entomology, agronomy, processing of maize and soya seed, seed production
Zemun, Slobodana Bajića 1, tel. 235-6713, 375-6704, fax: 375-4994
Institute for Medical Research
Activity: social sciences, medicine, hematology, immunology, pharmacology
Dr Subotića 4, tel. 684-484, 685-788, fax: 643-691
Institute of International Politics and Economy
Activity: social sciences, political sciences, economic sciences, law
Makedonska 25, tel. 3373-824, 3373-825, fax: 3373-835,
Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering
Activity: natural sciences, biology, medicine, genetics, chemistry, production of enzymes, proteins, hormones
Bulevar vojvode Stepe 444a, tel. 397-5744, fax: 397-5808
Institute of Recent History of Serbia
Activity: humanistic sciences, history (history of the Serbian people from 1918 to the present days)
Kneza Miloša 101, tel. 339-8613, 339-8941 fax: 361-5360
"Vinča" Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Activity: natural sciences, technical and technological sciences, nuclear medicine, energy
Vinča, POB 522, tel. 245-8222, fax: 344-2420
Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia
Activity: medical sciences, medicine, oncology, radiology
Pasterova 14, tel. 361-4660, fax: 685-300
Institute of Fundamental and Physical Chemistry
Activity: natural sciences, chemistry, physical chemistry, biophysics, chemistry of nonmetals, colloid chemistry
Studentski trg 12, tel. 186-742, 637-569, fax: 180-329
Institute of Pedagogical Research
Activity: social sciences, pedagogy, pedagogical psychology, sociology
Dobrinjska 11/III, tel. 644-693, tel/fax: 265-8439
Institute of Political Studies
Activity: social sciences, political sciences, history of culture, post-communist transition, Balkan studies
Savski trg 7, tel. 642-042, fax: 645-490
Institute for Application of Science in Agriculture
Activity: bio-technical sciences, agronomy, applied selection measures in animal husbandry and technology in agricultural production
Bul. despota Stefana 68b, tel. 750-386, fax: 751-935
Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture, Veterinary Science and Forestry INEP
Activity: natural sciences, biology, chemistry, physics, biochemistry, veterinary science
Zemun, Banatska 31b, tel. 619-252, fax: 618-724
Roads Institute
Activity: natural sciences, geophysics, transport, technologies of designing, construction, and maintenance of highways, roads and buildings
Kumodraška 257, tel. 466-133, fax: 466-866
"Dr Josif Pančić" Institute for the Study of Herbal Medicine
Activity: bio-technical and medical sciences, pharmacy
Tadeuša Košćuška 1, tel. 182-141
Institute of Contemporary History
Activity: humanistic sciences, history (the 20th century)
Trg Nikole Pašića 11, tel. 334-8806, fax: 339-8362
Institute of Foreign Trade
Activity: social sciences, economic sciences, international trade relations
Dečanska 8, tel. 324-7626, fax: 323-5306
Cattle Breeding Institute
Activity: bio-technical sciences, animal production, genetics, physiology, selection, reproduction
Zemun, Autoput 16, tel. 691-611, fax: 670-164
Institute for the Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials
Activity: natural sciences, technology, geology, chemistry, physical chemistry, mining, ecology
Franše D'Eperea 86, tel. 369-1584, 369-1581, fax: 369-1583
Institute of Comparative Law
Activity: social sciences, legal sciences, comparative and international law
Terazije 41, tel. 323-3213, fax: 323-3213
Institute of Physics
Activity: natural sciences, physics of plasma, lasers, solid matters and high energies
Zemun, Pregrevica 118, tel. 316-2067, fax: 316-2190
Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory
Activity: philosophy, sociology, political theory, anthropology
Kraljice Natalije 45, tel. 688-161, 361-6188, fax: 646-242
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
Activity: natural sciences, chemical technologies
Njegoševa 12, tel. 323-6293, 323-6293, fax: 323-5255
Institute of Hygiene and Meat Technology
Activity: natural sciences, veterinary science, testing and control of human and animal food and additives
Kaćanskog 13, tel. 650-655, fax: 651-825
Institute of Forestry
Activity: bio-technical sciences, forestry, engineering services
Kneza Višeslava 3, tel. 553-454, fax: 545-969
Historical Institute of SASA
Activity: humanistic sciences, history (from the Middle Ages to 1918)
Knez Mihailova 35, tel. 2181-589, 2638-418, fax: 2185-504,
"Kirilo Savić" Research Institute
Activity: technical and technological sciences, electrical engineering, railway mechanical engineering, civil engineering, bridge structures
Vojvode Stepe 51, tel: 2469-147, fax: 2469-514,
“Lola” Institute
Activity: natural sciences, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, CIM, robotics, quality management, control systems
Kneza Višeslava 70a, tel. 546-423, 541-303, fax: 543-194
Mathematical Institute of SASA
Activity: natural sciences, mathematics, mechanics, cybernetics, artificial intelligence
Knez Mihailova 35, tel. 630-170, 630-485, fax: 186-105
Scientific Institute of Veterinary Science of Serbia
Activity: bio-technical sciences, veterinary science, control of foodstuffs of animal origin and medicines for application in veterinary science
Vojvode Toze 14, tel. 604-020, fax: 697-797
"Geoinstitut" Scientific and Research Institution
Activity: natural sciences, geophysics, geology
Rovinjska 12, tel. 488-9966, fax: 488-5296
PKB "INI-Agroekonomik"
Activity: bio-technical sciences, plant production, animal husbandry, veterinary science, ecology
Padinska skela, Zrenjaninski put bb, tel. 887-1175, fax: 887-1125
Mining Institute
Activity: natural sciences, geology, mining, ecology, HVAT
Zemun, Batajnički put 2, tel. 615-796, fax: 614-632
"Branislav Janković" Immunological Research Center
Activity: medical sciences, psychoneuroimmunology, neuroendocrinoimmunology, processes of autoimmunity
Vojvode Stepe 458, tel. 467-465, fax: 467-465
Institute of Transport CIP
Activity: technical and technological sciences, transport/traffic
Nemanjina 6/IV, tel. 361-8134, fax: 361-6757
Center for Multidisciplinary Studies of the University in Belgrade
Activity: natural sciences, biology, biophysics, biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence
Kneza Višeslava 1, tel. 555-258, fax: 305-5289