субота, 23. октобар 2021.

Secretariat for public transport

Public invitation for participation in the procedure for granting of Concession forentrusting the performance of communal activity of public passenger transport on night lines within the territory of the City of Belgrade

Pursuant to Article 35, and related to Article 10,paragraph 1and Article 20,paragraph 3, of the Law on Public-Private partnership and Concession of the Republic of Serbia („Official Gazette of RS“, no. 88/2011, 15/2016 and104/2016) (hereinafter: „The Law on Concessions”),
The City of Belgrade
City Administration of the City of Belgrade
Secretariat for Public Transport (hereinafter: „Secretariat”), as a grantor


for participation in the procedure for granting of
Concession forentrusting the performance of communal activity of public passenger transport on night lines within the territory of the City of Belgrade 

The Secretariat invites all interested domestic and foreign natural and legal persons that fulfil the requirements prescribed under this public invitation (hereinafter „Public Invitation“) to participate in the procedure for granting of the concession for the performance of the communal activities of public passenger transport on night lines within the territory of the City of Belgrade (hereinafter: „Concession“). 

Download the text of the PUBLIC INVITATION: