Secretariat for Legalisation of Buildings
Kraljice Marije 1/XVI
Predrag Jušković, Acting Secretary, 7157-550 fax 3376-077
Dalibor Biševac, Deputy Secretary, 7157-550
Visiting hours: dailyfrom 10-15h.
Secretariat for Legalisation of Buildings is responsible for public administration activities entrusted by the Republic to the City, pertaining to the following:
- subsequent issuance of the construction and usage permit of a building, i.e. parts of the building built or reconstructed without the construction permit, ie. without the construction permit until the day of entry into force of the Law on the Legalisation of Buildings (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No 95/2013);
- subsequent issuance of the usage permit of buildings used without the usage permit (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No 95/2013);
- resolving the building legalisation claims, constructed or reconstructed without the construction permit filed until the day of entry into force of the Law on the Legalisation of Buildings (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No 95/2013);
- and other matters of significance for the building legalisation (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No 95/2013).
The Secretariat also performs activities related to storing technical documentation, keeps official records on the issued decisions referred to in Article 25 of the Law on the Legalisation of Buildings(“Official Gazette of the RS”, No 95/2013), whereby the list of issued decisions is published electronically as well and is available for the public via the internet.