Secretariat for the Head of the City Administration Affairs
Кraljice Marije 1/IV
Ana Ljubičić, Acting Secretary, 7157-425
Jelena Raković, Deputy Secretary, 7157-425
The Secretariat for the Head of the City Administration Affairs performs expert, operational, administrative and technical tasks in the exercise of jurisdiction and powers of the Head of the City Administration, which are related to the following:
- monitoring the exercise of jurisdiction and performance of tasks within the scope of City Administration organisational units and units within them;
- providing coordination of the organisational units of the City Administration; improving the organisation and work methods and providing cooperation of the City.
Administration organisational units;
- monitoring and harmonisation of activities of the City Administration organisational units in the process of alignment with the regulations of the City and initiating appropriate changes;
- following the labour regulations applicable to employees of the City Administration;
- systematic monitoring of the staff structure in the City Administration for its improvement and determining the optimal opportunities for utilization of the knowledge and skills of personnel, in accordance with the planned needs (career movements, working results, performance evaluation system, employee motivation, etc.);
- improvement of relations between the City Administration and citizens and legal persons who refer to the City Administration. The Secretariat performs tasks related to:
- recruitment and assignment of employees to workplaces, termination of employment, as well as exercising the rights and obligations of employees (guidance and data processing in accordance with the regulations for personnel records through information systems)
In the normative-legal area, the Secretariat monitors and coordinates activities related on to:
- drafting acts on internal organisation and systematisation of work posts in the City Administration as well as other general and individual acts adopted by the Head of the City Administration;
- preparation of draft laws adopted by the Mayor;
- harmonisation of general and individual acts prepared by organisational units of the City Administration with the Constitution, legislation, the City Statute and other regulations.
The Secretariat performs operational tasks related to the convening, preparing and holding the collegiums of the Head of the City Administration.