Secretariat for Education and Children’s Welfare

Kraljice Marije 1/XVIII

Aleksandra Čamagić, Acting Secretary, 7157-166
Igor Raičević, Deputy Secretary, 7157-166

Education Inspection: 7157-084, 7157-832

Subsidy for private kindergartens:
- expenditure reimbursement: 7157-805, 7157-630, 7157-098, 7157-113,
- exercising the rights (decisions): 330-9745, 330-9383, 330-9193, 330-9118

Visiting hours: daily from7.30-15.30h.

The Secretariat for Education and Children’s Welfarein the field of education is responsible for the following activities:

- ensuring and implementing the needs in the field of education in accordance with the law;
- opening new schools and determining the number of and spatial organisation;
- planning and realisation of construction of new school facilities, reconstruction and investment in maintaining the existing school facilities;
- implementation of the projects of interest for the field of education;
- scholarship competitions for talented secondary school pupils, students and disabled secondary school pupils;
- coordination of work of inerminesterial committees for assessing the needs for providing additional educational, health or social assistance to a child and pupil/student;
- and performance of other activities in accordance with the law, the City Statute and other regulations.

The Secretariat performs the entrusted activities of inspection surveillance in the field of education over the operation of the institutions in the area of education, as well as other public administration activities entrusted by the Republic to the City.

The Secretariat for Education and Children’s Welfareperforms the activities concerning children welfare pertaining to the following:
- establishing preschool facilities, institutions and organisations in the field of children welfareand recreational children residential facilities;
- monitoring family needs;
- planning new facility construction, reconstruction and investment in mainintaining the existing preschool facilities
- financing the construction, reconstruction, investment in mainintaining and furnishing prescholl facilities
- developing a network of preschool institutions in the territory of the city
- financing the activities of preschool education – public procurements in the competency of the Secretariat
- determining the pricing levels in the preschool facilities whose founder is the City, as well as the conditions and the manner of exercising the rights to the reimbursement of expenses on account of children’s stay in preschool facilities, rest and recreation
- financing facility insurance and equipping institutions for recreational stay of children;
- participating in construction financing, investment in maintaining and equipping facilities intended for recreational stay of children and other activities in accordance with the law, the City Statute and other regulations.

The Secretariat performs the activities in the field of children’s safety pertaining to conducting a first instance administrative proceeding and passing a decision on the right to the reimbursement of expenses made on account of children’s stay in a preschool facility, rest and recreation.

The Secretariat performs the entrusted activities in the field of children’s welfare, as well as other public administration activities entrusted by the Republic to the City, pertaining to the following: conducting a first instance administrative proceeding and passing a decision on the right to the reimbursement of expenses made on account of children’s stay in a preschool facility with respect to the children without parental care за and disabled children, as well as other public administration activities entrusted by the Republic to the City.