Secretariat for Administration

Kraljice Marije 1/V

Srđan Zoraja, Acting Secretary, 7157-038, fax 3376-993
Svetlana Marčetić, Deputy Secretary, 7157-365

Reception - Sector for personal status of citizens, keeping registers and electoral rights: on weekdays and Saturdays, according to the working hours of Urban Municipalities, and at the headquarters of the Secretariat, if necessary, by making an appointment. 

The Secretariat is responsible for: -  tasks related to the organisation and operation of the City Administration;
 - second-instance administrative proceedings that are under the jurisdiction of the City Council, as well as for  preparing draft decisions;
- conducting specific expert and administrative tasks on behalf of the authorities which organise the City Assembly members election; 
- conducting specific expert and administrative tasks on behalf of the Republic Electoral Committee in the procedure for organising election;
- updating the electoral register;
- conducting specific expert and administrative tasks related to the citizens' direct role in the operation of the local-self government unit;
- keeping records on tasks delegated within the City Administration and drafting the report on the performance of those tasks for the City authorities;
- tasks related to the  harmonisation of the City Administration's work methods  with the local administration of the EU member states.

The Secretariat for Administration performs tasks related to creating official statistics in the City of Belgrade.

The Secretariat also has state administrative responsibilities delegated to the City by the Republic related to keeping the registers and ending the first instance administrative procedures in the field of civil registers, administrative inspection and other general administrative tasks.