Secretariat for Health Care
Kraljice Marije 1/XII
,Secretary, 7157-480 faks 3376-135
Goran Marković, Deputy Secretary, 7157-477
Visiting hours: on workdays from 10-14h.
Sector for Patient Protection
Tiršova 1, tel. 3605-634
Reception during working days from 7.30 am until 3.30 pm.
In accordance with the Health Care Act (''Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia'', No. 107/05), the responsibilities of the City of Belgrade with regard to healthcare can be categorised in one of three groups:
1. Social health care at the City level includes measures for provision and implementation of health protection relating to the population on the territory of the municipality and the City, in particular:
- tracking the health of the population and the operation of the healthcare system on its territory, as well as ensuring the implementation of designated healthcare priorities;
- creating conditions for accessibility and even distribution of utilisation of primary health care on its territory;
- coordination, stimulation, organisation and directing the implementation of health care provided through the activities of local government bodies, citizens, companies, social, educational and other institutions and organisations;
- providing funds for the running of health care institutions under its jurisdiction, in accordance with the law and with the Health Care Institutions Network Plan, including maintenance and equipping of health care institutions, as well as other responsibilities stipulated by law and its founding documents;
- liaison with humanitarian and professional organisations, unions and associations in the development of health care.
Social health care at the city level also includes measures for ensuring and implementing health care services of interest to citizens in the City; providing coroner services on the City territory, the adoption of specific health care programmes as well as providing funds for the realisation of social health care in the City budget.
2.Founding rights over health care institutions.
3. Providing budget funds for:
- implementation of social health care
- implementation of health care programmes and projects;
- exercising founding rights over rights to health care institutions
- examination of deceased persons and professional determination of time and cause of death of persons dying outside health care institutions and providing a death certificate.
- payment of costs for emergency medical assistance provided, in the event that the health care institution fails to collect payment within 90 days, with provision for possible reclaim of fund,
- Bearing the costs of autopsy of deceased persons conducted at the request of medical doctor appointed by the relevant City authority to determine cause of death.