Secretariat for General Affairs

Kraljice Marije 1
fax: 011 337 6469

Dejan Kesar, Secretary, 7157-411
Igor Šišić, Deputy Secretary, 7157-411

In accordance with laws and bylaws, the Secetariat performs tasks related to:
- procurement of goods and provision of services for the City authorities;
- investment, technical and ongoing maintenance of buildings and equipment used by the City authorities;
- administrative and technical tasks related to the reception, keeping records of and sending mails;
- keeping records and other secretarial and administrative tasks concerning the office management;
- maintaining of facilities and equipment;
- recording, utilization and issue of (fixed) assets and minor items;
- usage and maintenance of IT equipment, with system servicing and other activities for the purpose of information and technical support to the City Administration;
- providing official transport services and vehicle servicing;
- physical-technical and fire protection of the City Administration premises;
- activities regarding the health and safety at work;
- catering in the premises used by the City authorities;
- organising record-keeping and distribution of official gazettes and professional literature;
- printing operations;
- hygiene in the premises of the City Administration.