Secretariat for the defense, emergency situations and coordination
Tiršova 1/IV
Darko Glavaš, Secretary, 3605-609
Marijana Đurić, Acting deputy Secretary, 3605-609
Fax 3605-941
BEOKOM – Belgrade call centre
Problem can be reported:
- by dialling 0800-11-00-11 (free call for the users of Telekom fixed line) or by dialling 011/3090-007 (for users of other fixed and mobile lines in case of which calls are charged according to the price list of the operator)
- E-mail:
- by using a cell phone application„Беоком”
- Twitter – Beokom servis@prijavi_problem
- Facebook – BEOKOM servis
Visiting hours: daily from 7.30 - 15.30h.
Secretariat for the defense, emergency situations and coordination performs study-analytical, professional-operational, organisational and administrative-technical tasks related to:
- planning and preparing for the defence and emergency situations;
- gathering and processing of information on the status of the City public utility systems;
- coordination of public relations with the corresponding services in public enterprises, institutions and services whose founder is the City of Belgrade;
- coordination of activities and organisation of manifestations, events and meetings under the auspices of the City Administration units or institutions whose founder is the City of Belgrade;
- communication with citizens, receiving and processing their remark;
- improvement of electronic services related to the City public utility system.