Secretariat for Culture

Sremska 6/1

Nataša Mihailović Vacić, Secretary, 7823-902
, Deputy Secretary, 7823-902

Visiting hours: on workdays from 10-14h.

The Secretariat for Culture performs tasks related to:
- direct application of the legislation in the field of local government affairs relating to cultural activity;
- establishment, provision of working conditions and supervision of the work of the institutions and other entities in the field of culture that perform cultural activities of importance for the City of Belgrade;
- research, protection and use of cultural heritage;
- library and IT activities;
- art;
- provision of funds for payment of contributions for pension and disability insurance and health insurance contributions of persons who have acquired the status of a person who independently carries out artistic or other activity in the field of culture;
- permanent cultural events of the significance to the city of Belgrade;
- international cultural collaboration;
- implementation of plans and programmes of significance to the City оf Belgrade;
- amateur culture and arts;
- erection and regular maintenance of monuments and memorials  in public places;
- naming squares and streets
- presenting the City of Belgrade Prize;
- determination of conditions for accepting gifts and bequests by the city of Belgrade.
- entrusting gifts and bequests to the city of Belgrade for storage, use and presentation;
- establishing a plan of cultural development in the city of Belgrade;
- stimulation of specific projects related to cultural activities and programmes or parts of programmes, institutions and other entities in the culture in the City of Belgrade;
- stimulate the development of amateur cultural and artistic creativity;
- stimulation of long-term projects related to cultural activities;
- stimulation and presentation of the programme of young talented artists in the field of culture;
and other activities in this area in accordance with the law, the City Statute and other regulations and the state administration in the field of culture that the Republic delegates to the City.