Belgrade has precious monuments of spiritual culture, churches, monasteries and places of worship of different confessions.
According to 2002 census, there are 90,68% Belgrade citizens of Orthodox persuasion, about 1,29% of Islamic and 1,03% of Roman Catholic belief, 0.24% of them are Protestants, 0.03% Jews, 2,02% of unknown belief, while 3% declared as nonbelievers.
The most important Orthodox church of Belgrade - the Cathedral Church was built in 1840. Some of the oldest are also the Nikolajevska Church (1745) and the Church of the Holy Mother of God (1783) in Zemun. The monumental St. Sava's Temple, the greatest Orthodox temple, can receive 12,000 believers. By their importance and look, one can also set apart the churches Ružica and Sveta Petka, crkva Svetog Marka, Vaznesenska, (Ascension) church, Topčider church and the church of Alexander Nevsky. In the wider city area there are also two old log-cabin churches in the villages of Vranić and Orašac.
In the Belgrade area and its wider surroundings, there are several monasteries built at the end of the XV century or later, demolished and rebuilt several times, and mostly wholly or partially, renewed in the last two decades. The monasteries of Rakovica, Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God, Fenek, Rajinovac and Tresije are beautiful monuments of Serbian past. The monasteries in Slanci, Mislođin and Pavlovac on the slopes of the Kosmaj have been partly renewed. The ruins of the Kastaljan monastery are hardly accessible because the road that leads to them is bad.
There are also several Roman Catholic churches, one synagogue, one mosque and several places of worship of other confessions in Belgrade.