Suburban Transport
The City of Belgrade has conferred to SP "Lasta" the activity of public suburban and local passenger transport on scheduled lines on the territory of Belgrade. Beside Lasta, certain number of suburban lines are operated by other carriers, too.
"LASTA" AD Transport Company
Niški put 4, Beograd
Tel. 2882-740, fax 2892-392, 2895-645
"LASTA" BUS STATION, Železnička bb
Information 2625-740 (05.00 AM - 10.00 PM)
Dispatch service on duty 2180-691 (00-24)
Suburban transport on the territory of Belgrade and part of Srem and Banat is performed within the Lasta's tariff system (LTS), with over 300 lines and 2,500 daily departures. The network of suburban lines spreads radially from Belgrade to the centers of the suburban municipalities, from which Lasta's local lines can be used to reach smaller places. Suburban buses depart from the Lasta Bus Station in Belgrade and from the Zemun terminus (Kej oslobođenja), and the termini of Šumice and Banovo Brdo. Lasta transports passengers in the local transport in the areas of the Mladenovac, Sopot, Lazarevac, Obrenovac, Grocka and Barajevo municipalities.
Passengers can use their monthly pre-paid tickets of the Lasta tariff system (LTS) for unlimited number of rides. The LTS area covers the territory of Belgrade, with extensions to the territories of municipalities Opovo (Sakule, Opovo), Kovačica (Idvor), Pančevo (Glogonj), Pećinci (Sibač, Brestač, Kupinovo) and Stara Pazova (Stari Banovci and Nova Pazova). In coordination with GSP "Beograd", a special type of pre-paid monthly tickets is introduced for the passengers who come to Belgrade by bus on a suburban line, and continue to travel by vehicles on GSP lines.
"Šumice", Vojislava Ilića 103, tel. 2890-372
"Banovo brdo", Požeška 119, tel. 2544-050
"Zemun", Kej oslobođenja bb, tel. 2192-724
Barajevo Bus Station, Svetosavska 63, tel. 8300-346
Lazarevac Bus Station, 19. septembra bb, tel. 8123-066
Mladenovac Bus Station, Janka Katića bb, tel. 8231-455
Obrenovac Bus Station, Beogradskog bataljona 20, tel. 8721-038
Sopot Bus Station, Milosava Vlajića 1, tel. 8251-447
Pazova Bus Station, Ćirila i Metodija bb, tel. 022-311-617
Inđija Bus Station, Sonje Marinković, tel. 022-561-409