Environmental Protection
Belgrade has been paying special attention to the environmental protection for three decades now. In 1974, the City Committee for Town Planning and Environmental Protection was formed whereby the work and monitoring of the status in this area were organized for the first time within the authorities of the City of Belgrade. The Secretariat for Environmental Protection, as a separate body to engage in operations entrusted by the legislation was set up in 1990.
The quality of environmental protection is monitored on a continuous basis. Each year, there are prepared certain programs of control of the quality of air, the quality of drinking water and public drinking fountains, surface waters, as well as the programs of testing of the levels of radioactivity, pollution of soil and measurements of the level of communal noise. On the basis of those measurements and obtained results, the protection measures are planned and undertaken and the effects of such undertaken measures are monitored.
The data and the results of the measurements made are submitted to the Secretariat for Environmental Protection and they are regularly, on a monthly basis, published in the "Ecological Bulletin".
One of the major measures aimed to improve the quality of air is the implementation of the program of district heating and gasification. Individual solid fuel operated boiler houses are replaced by the district heating systems and the heating using gas.
The protection of the area of water catchment is provided through the plans and projects of physical development and their implementation. Particular attention is devoted to the protection and improvement of the area of water catchment "Makiš". The old water supply and sewerage system networks are replaced with new installations whenever the streets or old parts of the City are reconstructed. With the extension of the capacities for treatment and distribution of water it is endeavored to ensure supply to as many citizens as possible with healthy drinking water.
A major campaign of removal of radioactive lighting rods from apartment buildings has been initiated.
Looking after trimming of the lines of trees and parks in the City, development of Mt. Avala, Ada Ciganlija, Veliko ratno ostrvo (islet) and a dozen of excursion places are the subject of continuous care of the City’s public utility companies.
Ministry agriculture, forestry and water management
Nemanjina 22-26, www.minpolj.gov.rs
"Dr Milan Jovanović Batut"
Dr Subotića 5, www.batut.org.rs
Bul. despota Stefana 54a, www.zdravlje.org.rs
Dr. Ivana Ribara 91, www.zzps.rs