Museums 3
Established in 1856. It has 5,351 item, and 530 of them are exhibited. Collections: church painting, portraits of church persons, old Serbian engraving, manuscripts and printed "srbulja" books, all kinds of clothing, sacred items (of metal, wood, bone, mother-of-pearl and leather), mediaeval Byzantine seals, historical documents. The funds comprise the items brought here from different monasteries, as well as the church inventory, stolen by the Ustasa during World War II, and later returned to the museum.
Especially attractive among the exhibits are Jefimija's "Praise to Knez Lazar" of 1402, Knez Lazar's charter to the Ravanica monastery of 1381, the "darohranilnica" of 1705, Belgrade Four Gospels, the first book printed in Belgrade in 1552, the Gospel manuscript of bishop Maksim from 1514, the manuscript form 1434 written by the order of Despot Đurađ Branković, he cloak of King Milutin from the end of the XIII and beginning of the XIV century, as well as a rich collection of icons.
It emerged as an independent institution in 1901, from the ethnographical collection of the National Museum. It has 151,990 items and the following collections: folk costumes, cloths and carpets; trade devices; crafts; furniture and dishes (wood, metal, ceramics); traditional objects; paintings; old photographs; field objects and paintings; objects of non-European peoples, etc. It publishes the bulletin "Glasnik Etnografskog muzeja". A part of the museum is the Ethnographical Memorial Collection of Hristifor Crnilović (Kraljevića Marka 5).
It was established in 1963. It has around 25,500 items and collections from the fields of archaeology, ethnology, numismatics, fine arts and applied arts, symbols, seals, placards, arms and military equipment, manuscripts, photographs and archive materials. it publishes the bulletin "Zbornik Istorijskog Muzeja".
The Historical Museum of Serbia is primarily oriented to collecting materials about the First Serbian Insurrection in 1804, i.e. the beginning of organized struggle against the Turks. There is a very rich fund of personal things of Karađorđe, the leader of the insurrection - his arms, formal dress, seal and banner from 1804. Also collected are the items belonging to other insurrectionist leaders. The museum also has materials related to the Second Serbian Insurrection.