
No. 17/I, Kosovska St, ombudsman, phone no. 3240-394, 3227-494

Miljko Valjarević, ombudsman

Visiting hours from 9.00to 14.00.

The Ombudsman is a legal system institution which exists in more than a hundred countries in the world. The Ombudsman is the institution first established by Swedish Parliament in 1809 whose task is to supervise the manner in which executive authorities enforce laws. Translated from Swedish language, the word “ombudsman” means trustee or agent, and in relation to function they perform, the word ombudsman means a protector of human rights or civil advocate. The Ombudsman cannot order or prohibit, and their recommendations do not have executive power and are not binding. Their authority is based on argumentation and the possibility of public presentation of the cases of violation of rights and freedoms, on autonomy and strict procedures during election. The Assembly of the City of Belgrade elects the Ombudsman at the proposal of more than 1/3 of deputies. 
Ombudsman’s responsibilities are as follows:

  • Protection of individual and collective rights and interests of citizens;
  • Control of the work of the City Administration, Public Attorney’s Office and public services founded by the City of Belgrade;
  • Submission ofinitiatives for alterations, amendments or adoption of new laws and other regulations and by-laws if they consider that violation of citizens’ rights is due toweaknesses of existing regulations;
  • Providing opinion regarding draft regulations or City’s by-laws when theseregulate issues of importanceto protection andpromotion of citizens’ rights and interests;
  • Submission of initiatives for starting the proceedings before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia to review the constitutionality and legality of laws, other regulations and by-laws regulating the issues related to citizens’ rights.