Šumadijski trg 2, tel: 3052-100
Chairman of the Municipality: Srđan Kolarić, tel: 3052-111
The Municipality of Čukarica covers an area of 15,650 hectares, which is inhabited by a population of around 160,000.
It got its name after the Čukar’s Inn and Čukar drinking fountain that were situated somewhere vis a vis the present-day Ada Ciganlija. By the decree of King Peter I dated December 30, 1911, the village of Čukarica was divided off from the municipality of Žarkovo into a separate municipality and, therefore, that date is nowadays celebrated as the Day of the Municipality. During the first few years after the Second World War, it was the 7th urban region but, as of 1950, it has again had the status of the City municipality.
Its patron day – The Holy Trinity, the Municipality of Čukarica celebrates 50 days after Easter Day (a movable feast).