Society - links
Democratic Party - www.ds.org.yu
Democratic Party of Serbia - www.dss.org.yu
Christian Democrat Party of Serbia - www.dhss.org.yu
G17 Plus - www.g17plus.org.yu
Civic Alliance of Serbia - www.gradjanskisavez.org.yu
Liberal Democratic Party - www.ldp.org.yu
Liberals of Serbia - www.liberali-srbije.org.yu
New Serbia - www.nova-srbija.org.yu
Socialdemocratic Party - www.sdp.org.yu
Socialdemocratic Union - www.sdu.org.yu
Serbian Renewal Movement - www.spo.org.yu
Socialist Party of Serbia - www.sps.org.yu
Serbian Radical Party - www.srs.org.yu
Party of Serbian Unity - www.strankasrpskogjedinstva.org
Embassy of Australia - www.serbia.embassy.gov.au
Embassy of Canada - www.canada.org.yu
Embassy of Cuba - www.kubabeograd.org.yu
Embassy of Denmark - www.danish-embassies.dk/beograd
Embassy of France - www.france.org.yu
Embassy of Germany - www.belgrad.diplo.de
Embassy of Greece - www.greekemb.org.yu
Embassy of Hungary - www.hunemblg.hu
Embassy of India - https://www.mea.gov.in/indian-mission.htm?244/Serbia
Embassy of Israel - http://belgrade.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Italy - www.ambbelgrado.esteri.it
Embassy of Japan - www.yu.emb-japan.go.jp
Embassy of Mexico - www.mexican-embassy.org.yu
Embassy of Norway - www.norveska.org.yu
Embassy of Poland - www.poljska-ambasada.org.yu
Embassy of Spain - www.spanija.org.yu
Embassy of Sweden - www.swedenabroad.se/belgrade
Embassy of the Czech Republic - www.mzv.cz/belgrade
Embassy of The Netherlands - www.nlembassy.org.yu
Embassy of the United Kingdom - www.britishembassy.gov.uk/serbia
Embassy of the U.S. - www.belgrade.usembassy.gov
Embassy of Ukraine - www.ukrembassy.org.yu
European Commission’s Delegation to Serbia and Montenegro - www.eudelyug.org
OSCE Mission to Serbia - www.osce.org/serbia
UN Development Program - www.undp.org.yu
Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe - www.stabilitypact.org
Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia - www.sindikat.org.yu
"Nezavisnost" (Independence) Trade Union Confederation - www.nezavisnost.org.yu
Trade Union of Health and Social Care Workers of Serbia - www.gsz-nezavisnost.org.yu
Trade Union of Education in Serbia - www.sind-obr.org.yu
Autonomous Metal Workers Federation of Serbia - www.sms.org.yu
AEGEE Beograd - www.aegee-beograd.org.yu
The Citizens' Pact for SEE - www.citizenspact.org.yu
Transparency International Serbia - www.transparentnost.org
United Orthodox Aid - www.unitedorthodoxaid.com
Alternative Academic Educational Network - www.aaen.edu.yu
Belgrade Open School - www.bos.org.yu
Belgrade Human Rights Center - www.bgcentar.org.yu
Mountain Rescue Service - www.gss.org.yu
Civic Initiatives - www.gradjanske.org
Society of Ecologists of Serbia - www.des.org.yu
Society for Plants Protection of Serbia - www.plantprs.org.yu
Society of Town Planners of Belgrade - www.dub.org.yu
Europe in Čukarica - www.eurocukarica.org.yu
European Movement in Serbia - www.emins.org
Ecological Movement of Belgrade - www.ekob.org.yu
Yugoslav Red Cross - www.jck.org.yu
Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights YUCOM - www.yucom.org.yu
Mensa - www.mensa.org.yu
PROJURIS - www.projuris.org
Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians of Serbia - www.sgits.co.yu
Barman Association - www.bar.co.yu
Association of Professional Antiquarians of Belgrade - www.apab.org.yu
Yugoslav Association of Tariff Specialists - www.utj.co.yu
Fund for an Open Society - www.fosyu.org
Humanitarian Law Center - www.hlc.org.yu
Information center for people with disabilities "Na dobrom putu", www.nadobromputu.com
Center for Antiwar Action - www.caa.org.yu
Center for Liberal Democratic Studies - www.clds.org.yu
Center for Alternative Studies - www.cpa-cps.org.yu
Center for Development of Non-profit Sector - www.crnps.org.yu
Free Market Center - www.fmc.org.yu
Center for Advanced Legal Studies - www.cups.org.yu
Center for Civil-Military Relations, Belgrade - www.ccmr-bg.org
CESID - www.cesid.org